Available now, the long-awaited sequel to ‘Survivors: Genesis of a Hero’ titled ‘Survivors: Salvation’ is now available as a paperback on Amazon, and
also for pre-order as a Kindle eBook.
It launches on all major eBook sites on March 11 th.
Meanwhile, if you’re not up to speed with ‘Survivors: Genesis of a Hero’,
you can grab it at the promo price of $0.99 US on all
major sites from February 21 to 27.
The sequel has been a long time coming, it’s 44 years since ‘Survivors: Genesis of a Hero’ was traditionally published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson in 1977!
We made it available as in eBook in 2015 and as a new paperback in 2019.
In view of the present global pandemic it was remarkably prescient!